As you know, renting is my thing, but what you may not know is that all participants in the bag-share economy are not created equal. Sure, there are plenty of options out there if you want to rent a great purse now but to make sure you’re picking the right option for you, here’s my analysis:

Bagborroworsteal: It’s no secret by now that I LOVE BBOS; it works for me and my rental needs, but there are some things you need to consider. There are no one event’ loansrentals last at least a month. Also, while the service has bags that are for sale, loaner bags stay firmly in that categoryno rent-to-own here, ladies. Monthly rentals start at $65 and go up from there, depending on the bag you covet.

Supursestyle: This service has what BBOS is missingweekly rental options as well as a buy out option (50% of your rental fees will be applied towards your purchase) but the perks don’t come cheapaverage monthly rentals are in the $200-$400 range, with weeklies hovering around $100.

Bagdujour: Essentially the same service and price-point as BBOS, but I consider their collection to be a little quirkier and slightly less timeless. Although, to be fair, those fun out there’ bags are the best ones to rent, AMIRIGHT?

Renttherunaway: RTR, another one of my faves, has built up a nice selection of handbags and clutches for you to borrow. Choose from 4 and 8 day rental options, with some little bags going for as low as $25! Perfect for a one-off event rental.

Bagtropolis: Another monthly rental service. Distinguishes itself with a good selection of rare and limited-edition bags.

Luxurylana: Mostly a site for buying bags, Luxurylana says that all items on sale can also be rented, but you have to contact them directly for terms and pricing. They specialize in LV, Gucci and Chanel bags, so if you’re desperate to find a certain brand model, head over her. No written terms means there’s room for bargaining.

Monluxe: If you’re traveling out of the country, this is a great option (many bag rental services won’t let you travel with their products, or will only allow it after you’ve proven your loyalty as a long-term customer.) MonLuxe offers rental delivery in France, Benelux, Germany Italy, Spain and Portugal. Weekly, bi-weekly and monthly rental terms are also great for travelers on all lengths of journeys.
What’s your favorite bag rental company?