I’m addicted to handbags. I have been for more than half my life. It’s probably taken years of income out off my savings. And like any drug, I need my fix. Thank goodness, I found my rehab, the best solution to my problem, and the company that I can thank for starting my new lifestyle of renting—
Bag Borrow or Steal!

This company single-handly saved me from being an old lady who lives in her handbags. They were my first… My first rental experience. Once you rent, it’s hard to go back, so I enhance my collection with Bag Borrow or Steal (BBOS).

And I’d like to send them a big thank you for helping me realize that I want to help other people change their lives by renting, which lead me to starting Rented Lifestyle!

Remember back in the day, when Jennifer Hudson gave Bag, Borrow or Steal its first major shout-out as Carrie’s strapped-for-cash high-end-purse loving assistant in the first Sex and the City movie?
BBOS is a rental. It’s like Netflix for purses!

As the SATC crew so aptly described it, long before the economy became shared. Bag Borrow or Steal was way before it’s time, and been a leader in fashion rentals now for 10 years!
For those who haven’t experienced this pure bliss of borrowing luxury handbags, here’s how it works:

Go on their great website and browse through BBOS’ vast collection of designer handbags.
It’s so easy. Accessories can be rented in one-month installations; after the month is up, if you want to keep it longer, just hold on to the bag and your rental will automatically be renewed.

This is better than any purse closet on the planet. Okay second, Up Close and Stylish, you take the cake with all those birkins. But, unlike hers, this closet is accessable to all of us!

When selecting, make sure in the top right corner you dropdown to BORROW. Oh yes, you can buy from BBOS too. We will get into that later.
Select the purse you want, a bag marked available is free to borrow now; one marked on loan is still out. You’ll just have to be patient.

Once your rental is selected, BBOS will ship it out for free. Return shipping is free, too, and the site will even send you an email when your month’s almost up so you don’t lose track of time and end up inadvertently renewing.

Thanks to Bag Borrow or Steal’s generous rental policies, their bags have been featured prominently in my sartorial choices on my trips around the world. This Chanel Boy Bag of theirs went to Buenos Aires earlier this year.

When the bag is in your possession, you have to take reasonable care to make sure it stays in the impeccable condition in which it’s sent over to you. For newer customers, that means not travelling too far with their beloved bags and only one per month.

For last month’s trip to Europe, I took two awesome bags. (Note: once you build up your trust with them, they give you more options, such as multiple bags a month, so start your account today!)




And the Chanel Wallet on Chain (WOC) in yellow. Check out their site, as both bags come in numerous colors!




Now, for us in treatment for purse addition, BBOS is a great solution for your problem.

Except for one thing… you can buy too on BBOS! And going to a dealer for a fix, it’s tough not to buy. Especially since Bag Borrow or Steal has an AMAZING selection at great prices.

This LV beauty was irresistable and was purchased when I went to the Grammy’s this year.

You can still rent this exact one on BBOS now. Follow my direct link in the side bar.



In Kusadasi, Turkey, the Proenza Schouler medium satchel (available in the teal or the new black fringe from BBOS right now) really made trekking around easy.



I have admitted it, I have a problem. Don’t judge me, but I do own this one too. It’s such a perfect travel bag!






Hi my name is Christy and I am a purse addict. I manage my addition with Bag Borrow or Steal. It’s fantastic.
If we are all being honest, What’s your fashion addiction?