Greece- the last country on our European adventure. Glad we made it through right before the fate of this country is decided. I hope they don’t default! It’s too bad they can’t pay their creditors with sunsets, because if they could, they’d be the richest county in the world.

Our first attempt to get ashore to Myrina, was unsuccessful, as Le’Captain of the Odyssey made the call that no one was disembarking due to high winds. We were all stuck all day floating off the coast. The island of Limnos is known to be rich with traditions as it was the mythological home of Vulcan, who was cast off by his father Zeus from Mount Olympus.

Islanders have kept many old customs, such as the art of metal working. None of which I got to see closeup, just a distant view from the ship.

Luckily, our second attempt to free ourselves from the floating vessel and get to Greece was successful in Mykonos!

The white building with signature colored doors and windows make this charming island a gem of the Mediterranean.

Just looking at the amazing yachts in the port, you know this is where the jet-setters come to enjoy this cosmopolitan island.


The streets are a labyrinth designed specifically to confuse the intruders. I could get lost all day in those streets. Filled with amazing shops, and cafes. The next one is better than the first.

But I did learn quickly, don’t have your heart set on a fabulous palm cuff and think you are coming back later for it. You will never find your way back.

Wondering the streets of Mykonos, you can come upon the most interesting things to rent, like an amazing photographer. Meet Dionysis Tsipiras, photographer extraordinaire.

Within minutes, I was on top of the city laughing at myself as this professional photographer was teaching me how to pose. Having never modeled a day in my life, it was pure comedy.

I will say the man is talented, and if you are traveling to Mykonos, he will give you a great tour and take some amazing shots. Best part, Dionysis is very reasonably priced!

Here I am on top of a church dome in my barefeet. Did I mention, I’m scared of heights!



Time went by way too fast in Mykonos. Once you get past being lost, all the time, do make sure that you stumble upon a district called Little Venice. Sit and have a drink and snack in one of the many cafes that line the sea front.

After, wonder over to the five famous windmills all lined in a row.

But don’t go trying to open doors to them, as they have been restored to peoples homes now. Oops! Next stop in Greece- Patmos.