Whether you were 5 or 50 when you scored that first pair of super-special shoes, chances are it’s a day you’ll remember for years to come.
Back in 2011, I purchased my very-first pair of Louboutins, these incredible black lace pumps, and I still remember the mix of emotions that washed over me. I had never paid so much for a pair of shoes and yet had never been as excited to wear anything as I was about slipping into these heels – what a rush!
And actually, decent value if you think about it four years later, the shoes are still rocking and are the perfect match for my Marchesa gown, not to mention countless other outfits.

What is it about designer shoes that make their purchase so much more memorable than any other luxury item we add to our closets? Is it a holdover from Sex and the City days when Carrie was more upset about a destroyed pair of Manolos than (yet-another) break up with Big (and willing to spend her rent money on a new set of heels?) Or is it that our shoes can repeatedly carry us through so many different life events–from weddings to red carpets to the best dinner with friendsin a way that even our favorite outfits can’t do without feeling tired?

What is it about shoes that does it for you, and what was your first major shoe splurge? Sound off in the comments: happy reminiscing!