You are going to laugh when you read this, but I swear I’m not lying: there’s a new Airbnb for the sex positive traveler (in case you aren’t up on the lingo, sex positive’ basically means that you’re cool with doing anything as long as your partner is informed and consents. You’re definitely not one to judge). The name of the service – I’m dead serious – is Kinkbnb, which obviously says a whole lot, even before we get into any details.

The basic idea behind Kinkbnb is that you should be able to enjoy what you’re into whether you’re at home or on the road. It allows people to upload their Airbnb property details directly into the system, or create a brand new listing that’s exclusive to this site, in order to highlight the kinkier features of the property Christian Grey’s red room of pain’ would certainly get good billing! As the About Us page explicitly states: KinkBNB allows fetishists to rent dungeons, S&M hangouts and more from fellow sex enthusiasts around the world.

The site actually goes a step beyond your typical rental property listing: it lets home owners include themselves as bonus add-ons’ for their listings. Not sure if this is a rental upgrade or borderline internet prostitution, but I guess it’s a good feature for the kinky home owner hoping to get some more personal use from his or her home’s amenities.

Remember that poor guy whose life got destroyed when one Airbnb-er used his apartment to host a massive orgy? He should have just referred that renter over to Kinkbnb and the story would have had a happy ending for everyone, if you catch my drift.

Now, as a rental expert I feel it’s my duty to report on new players in the share economy but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna use em all. For now, I’ll keep drooling over that sweet Airbnb property Queen Bey rented for the Super Bowl and give this site a pass. Guess I’m sex negative on this one, but I can live with that!