As I transition from being the very hands-on owner and prime Realtor of a luxury real estate business into more of an advisory position in the company, I’m ready for a new adventure and a new career — becoming the Expert on Renting!

Discovering the best way to rent as much as possible- including nabbing high end fashion wisely (without investing in pieces that will go to waste in the back of my closet) is such an exciting journey. I want to share the ins, outs, ups and downs with all of you, blogging as my rented lifestyle takes me around the world.

Of course, sharing my daily news means much less downtime for me, but I’m ok with that. As a blogger, my work is my life and vice versa. Yes, I’m working every day — Christmas being no exception — but the work involves rocking and describing the amazing rentals and companies that my investigative skills have uncovered.
Just like making a new friend or asking someone for that first date can be daunting, so is starting a blog. I’m inviting all of you to share my life and hoping that you’ll come along for the ride. If you do, I promise lots of great trips, pics, and advice. I hope you’ll join me and become a part of my new, rented lifestyle.