There is an old expression that states the same keys that open the gates of paradise, also open the gates of damnation. Pretty heavy stuff when you think about it and also a re- minder to make sure you carefully read the markings on any door – before you open make sure it reads PARADISE.

So how does this apply to The Rented Lifestyle? Recently, GlamMonitor warned us all about the dark side of fashion sharing. Stating many interesting and funny pointsall boiling down to the addictiveness of renting, which I couldn’t agree more with. sharing-economy-3356/

SO, I thought I would address GlamMonitor’s concerns and offer ways to determine if perhaps you’re going overboard:

1. Are you spending more on renting than you should? If you’re renting a different de- signer handbag every week, you should probably pause. Each bag rental is good for a month. You don’t need 4 different handbags each week, unless may be you are a fa- mous fashion blogger, and that’s only a may be. Just because you are not covering the full cost of an item, which allows us to now enjoy more on the same budget, doesn’t mean we need to get greedy and go rental crazy. Remember that moderation is always the key to everything in life – including renting.

2. We all love nice things which is why there is haute couture. You see the newest Marchesa and you know you have to rent it! And that’s the beauty of the Rented Lifestyle. You CAN! But here’s the catch: sometimes you don’t need it. There. I said it.

Even in the rented lifestyle, a Marchesa is going to cost more to rent than a Badgley Mis- chka. But if you look great in a Badgley Mischka, and it’s perfect for what you need, why spend the extra money on a higher price rental? Of course, there are times when you just have to make a splash and pay the premium price. Being conservative, and still looking great, don’t let your emotion and devotion to a designer influence your common sense. Which leads me to …

3. Why are you a Renting Lifestyl’ist? Most people do it to save money and still get the enjoyment of that great vacation home, nice car, and beautiful dress.

The release of oxytocin in the brain when we have the great things in life is akin to the feeling of falling in love and who doesn’t want that every single day!

But remember why you’ve chosen this path, Grasshopper. You need to ask yourself if you can handle the rush of joy in having amazing things, only to have the strength to return them and feel okay about it. You don’t want to end up like everyone who carried that an-noying ring in Lord of the Rings screaming My precious! when it’s time to return the unbelievable dress. There is a lot of responsibility having rented items in your possession and this can cause undo stress on people, so be prepared for additional emotions you will encounter as a renter.

4. And lastly, you need to ask yourself at what point should you actually buy that purse? The savvy Rented Lifestyl’er will be able to calculate how many times they are actually going to rent an item and decide if it’s just cheaper to own it.

If you ever have any questions, please shoot me an email or make a comment. You have my attention and I would be happy to walk you through any tough decisions about rent-ing.